My First School

- Capital & Small Letters :- A to Z
- Phonetic Sound :- A to Z
- Word writing :- Two & Three letter words
- Rhymes:- The family, Munni Munni yes mummy, Open them shut them, When you are happy, The lovely sun.
- Pitter patter pit pat, Fraggle
- Mamaji ka bag mein, Carrot for Lunch, Making stone soup.
- Lakdi ki Kathi Yankee doodle, Out of the Garden, Ek billy humari
- Octopus, Fish are swimming, Catch a Fish, Five little seashells finger play, pat and cat,five little ducts, Little birds
- A little plants, plant
- Swallowed a peanut, Wheels of the bus
- Story:- The earthen pot and brass pot.
- I love the pit pit patter, The untruthful shepherd
- The horse and the ass.
- The Greedy dog.
- The Grandma who puffied
- Numbers : 1 to 100 .
- Notation : 1 to 50
- Colour : Red,Yellow,Orange, Purple,Brown
- Concept : Long – Short, Big – Small, More-Less, Near-Far, Same – Different,
- Greater than – Less than
- Shape : Oval, Pentagon,Hexagon, Cube, Cylinder
- Time
Before – After
Addition - Money
Picture Talk : A Summer Season ( Food we eat in summer)
- Rainy Season
- Parts of the body,
- Sense Organ
- Myself and My
- Family
- Cleanliness of our body
- Rainy creatures, Water cycle, Rain Cloths we were, Rain
Vegetables, Rain you see in the sky, How do we get the - water we need
- Good behavior
- Vegitables.
- Fruit, Flower
- Domestic Animals,
- Wild Animals
- Animal Homes,
- Animals Sound.
- Water Animals (Fist Diagram)
- Birds, Community
- helpers
- Insects, Vehicles
- Days of the week,
- Month of the year
- Hindi