My First School

- Starting standing & Sleeping line
- A to Z.
- Creating ability in a child to use identified word. Reading alphabets related to objects.
- The hare and the tortoise.
- The thirsty crow
- Two silly goats
Introduction To Concept:
- Heavy - Light, Few-Many,
- Up - Down, Wide - Narrow,
- Near - Far, Big - Small,
- Tall - Short, In - Out,
- More - Less. Hot - Cold.
Introduction To Shape
- Square, Circle, Oval,
- Semi Circle, Rectangle,
- Triangle, Star, Heart
- Rain Rain Go Away
- Rain On The Green Grass
- The Square Song
- I Hear Thunder
- Up And Down
- Yellow Yellow Song
- Triangle
- Aaloo Bachha Aaloo
- Healthy Fruits
- Cow In Pasture
- Little Ducts
- An Elephant
- Teddy Bear
- Machli
- Butter Fly Butter Fly
- Incy Wincy Spinder
- Ring Around The Roses
- Two Big Airplanes
- Pat-A-Train
- Row Row Your Boat
- Introduction To Number
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20