My First School

- Word smart: Recognize Letter trace & write A to Z.
- Rhymes:- Head Shoulders knees & toes,
- After a bath,
- Mummy & Daddy,
- My Red Balloon.
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Bits of Paper
- Two Red Apples
- A little Teapot,
- To market, To market
- Mango Tree,
- Mary had a little lamb, An Elephant
- old Mc donald had a farm,
- A Bear and Bunny
- Little miss muffet
- Two little dicky Birds
- Titali Rani
- Myself :
- My Body, My Family
- Picture Talk :
- Summer Season,
- Story :
- The Boy And the cashew nuts,
- The cats and the monkey
- The Foolish Lion
- The wise Pigeons and the hunter
- The pigeons and the Ant
- Some more Animals
- Picture talk; Rainy seasone, Insects / Creatures
- Clothes we wear, Uses of Water
- Lets talk about the water cycle
- Lets talk about the Source of water
- Colour the picture of water cycle.
- Junk Food & Healthy Food
- Fruits & Vegitables
- Domestic Animals, Wild Animals
- Animals Homes
- Numbers : 1 – 50
- Concepts : Big-Small, Right-Left, In & Out, Empty – Full. Notation : One, Two.
- Many- Few, More- Less
- Count and Write Numbers :
- Count and Draw line to correct Number
- Fill the missing Numbers
- Draw objects to show the Number value
- Shape : Square, Rectangle, Oval, Triangle, PENTAGON
- Color : Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange, White, Pink
- Missing Numbers, Count & Write
- Before / After
- Numbers Notation : Three – Five
- Number notation Six, Seven, Eight